Myanmar-Burma Myanmar (Burma)

New Documents

The Central Bank of Nigeria issued a circular to regulated financial institutions about blacklisting bank personnel in Nigeria.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime published a report that scrutinizes waste trafficking and highlights links to transnational organized crime.


Enforcement Actions

The Solicitor Regulation Authority decided that Albert Partington, a solicitor and director of Ogden Lyles & Fox, must pay a fine of £11,013.67 for violating the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 and other breaches of conduct.

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority disciplined a branch of the Taipei, Taiwan-based financial institution for breaching the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance.

Key Documents

Important Facts

  • The U.S. State Department lists Myanmar (Burma) as a major money laundering jurisdiction. It is not a regional or offshore financial center. It remains vulnerable to money laundering due to its sizable illicit economy and underdeveloped banking sector.  This includes products such as gemstones, timber, and narcotics. Widespread drug production, the proliferation of casinos, and the use of remittance networks adds to the government's inability to exercise control over the country's sovereign borders and combat international money laundering. The country's technical capacity to effectively implement and enforce anti-money laundering regulations and practices remains limited.
-Source: 2021 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR)


FATF i | 2013 Methodology

Technical Effectiveness
Compliant : 7 High : 0
Largely Compliant : 18 Substantial : 0
Partially Compliant : 13 Moderate : 1
Non-Compliant : 2 Low : 10

Myanmar's technical compliance was re-rated in a Oct. 25, 2023 follow-up report.


Rank : 107/110
Score : 7.83/10


Rank : 137/179
Score : 28/100

Tax Justice Network i

Rank : N/A
Score : N/A