Armenia Armenia

New Documents

The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption released an evaluation report finding that Armenia needs to enhance its measures against corruption among top executive officials and law enforcement officers.

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development released four Baseline Reports on anti-corruption reforms undertaken by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine.   

Enforcement Actions

0 Items Found

Important Facts

  • The U.S. State Department labels Armenia as a major money laundering jurisdiction. It is located on a trade route between narcotics source countries and European and Russian markets. Corruption, smuggling, the real estate sector, significant inflows of remittances from other countries, the shadow economy and the widespread use of cash are major money laundering vulnerabilities. Some anti-money laundering efforts are hindered by the fact that legal persons are not subject to criminal penalties for money laundering. Armenia has know-your-customer requirements and suspicious transaction requirements. In addition, it maintains enhanced due diligence rules for politically exposed persons.
-Source: 2021 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR)


FATF i | 2013 Methodology

Technical Effectiveness
Compliant : 19 High : 0
Largely Compliant : 18 Substantial : 6
Partially Compliant : 3 Moderate : 3
Non-Compliant : 0 Low : 2

Armenia's technical compliance was re-rated in a follow-up report on Sept. 7, 2018.


Rank : 31/110
Score : 4.63/10


Rank : 60/180
Score : 49/100

Tax Justice Network i

Rank : N/A
Score : N/A